Additional Services and Activities

We are what you might call a "country church."  We sing from hymn books with music from the piano and organ.  We study the Bible.  Some wear ties and khakis; some wear golf shirts and jeans.  But most importantly, we believe the Gospel message of salvation in Jesus Christ that runs through the whole grand narrative of Scripture.  The Gospel--Jesus in our place--is the foundation of what we teach, believe, and practice.

If you don't have a Bible of your own, or just walked out and forgot it at home, we have you covered.  There are copies of the New King James Version in the back of the pews for you to use.

We have a few special services through out the year diverts from our normal schedule.

5th Sunday Services - 

Most 5th Sundays follow a schedule of No Sunday School, 11 am Worship Service, Pot Luck Fellowship Meal, and No Evening Services.  Sometimes we forgo the Fellowship Meal.  In these instances, we have Sunday School but everything else remains the same.

Easter Services - 

For Easter every year we begin with a 6:30 am Sunrise Service outside under our bus pavilion.  We then go into the Fellowship Building for a Pot Luck Breakfast around 7:00 am.  We end the day with an 8:00 am Worship Service.  There are no Evening Services.

Mother's Day, Father's Day and Major Holidays - 

We want everyone to be able to spend time with their families and loved ones.  So on special holidays such as Mother's Day, Father's Day, Memorial Day,  and Labor day we do not have Evening Worship Services.  Other holidays, such as 4th of July, are considered when that holiday is on Sunday or Monday.

Christmas - 

During the Christmas season we pick a Wednesday Night service and replace it with Christmas Caroling.  We create bags or boxes of fruit and candy for the elderly, widowed and handicapped members of our community.  When we deliver them we sing a couple of Christmas Carols to them then go to the next house.  We remember our lost loved ones and honor those still with us with Poinsettias on Poinsettia Sunday.  We also have a Christmas Program the Sunday Evening nearest Christmas that usually consists of singing hymns and reading scripture.

Cook-Outs -

We usually have a church-wide cookout and fun games and activities in July around the 4th and October/November around Halloween.  These will either be on Saturday or Sunday Evening depending on the year. 

A few myths that are out there about the Church and church members and how we respond:

"You can only go to church when your life is straightened up."  NOT TRUE.  Attending church worship is not for those with their life in order, but those simply trying to make order of their life.

"I won't fit in."  We do our best to make you feel welcomed and at home.  Remember, none of us are perfect.

"I might take somebody's seat."  Nope, there are no assigned seats.

"They just want my money."  You are our guest, if you feel led to give, give; if you can't that's fine as well.

"They're all judging me."  Nope, we are just happy you are visiting and worshiping the Savior!

"The Pastor is going to try to talk to me."  Well, yes, that one is true.  We all love to meet our guests.

A Little More About US

(662) 534-8014

1064 County Road 204, Blue SpringsMS 38828, USA